Ardens-QMasters Merger
QMasters merged with an organisation called Ardens in April 2019. Ardens offer a similar solution to ours on SystmOne and we are rebranding QMasters as Ardens for EMIS Web. We can now offer a single joint solution that works across both EMIS Web and SystmOne.
You are visiting the Ardens for EMIS Web site. Please visit the Ardens for SystmOne site for information about our SystmOne solution.
QMasters merged with an organisation called Ardens in April 2019. Ardens offer a similar solution to ours on SystmOne and we are rebranding QMasters as Ardens for EMIS Web. We can now offer a single joint solution that works across both EMIS Web and SystmOne.
You are visiting the Ardens for EMIS Web site. Please visit the Ardens for SystmOne site for information about our SystmOne solution.
smart templatesStandardised clinical templates offer localised best practice guidance and SNOMED compliant coding of clinical data covering many clinical areas to save time during consultations and ensure clinicians are following the same clinical guidelines.
real-time coding alertsLive monitoring of clinical data as it is typed ensures clinicians are using correct diagnostic clinical codes. These are updated regularly as national guidance or coding requirements change.
patient recall systemThe Ardens-QMasters patient recall system offers a robust, safe, and automated solution to help manage recalls for bloods tests, hospital tests, injections and procedures, and long-term condition reviews.
locally commissioned services
The Ardens-QMasters LCS (enhanced services) module includes templates and reporting to assist practices with recording data and complying with local contract specifications, with aggregate reporting to assist the CCG with monitoring performance and paying practices.
clinical safety
Clinical safety alerts based on MHRA and NICE guidance warn clinicians when a potential safety risk arises during a consultation. These are updated regularly as new guidance is published. Practices that have had CQC inspections often receive “outstanding” ratings for clinical safety when our alerts and searches are installed.
searches and reportingOur advanced searches and reporting module includes hundreds of searches and is based on national and local contract requirements, MHRA and NICE safety guidelines, and best-practice guidelines to assist practices, PCNs, or CCGs with monitoring performance (both on an individual basis and aggregate reports across multiple sites).
"We saw one area of outstanding practice: The practice were using a [QMasters] "pop up" alert for the records of patients at risk of acute kidney injury to assist with early diagnosis and intervention."
Care Quality Commission Quality Report. Eynsham Medical Group, Oxfordshire
"... I just thought it was worth saying that we are finding your service invaluable. Our lead clinician for COPD has commented that your COPD template is the best they have come across."
Ms Anne Ronan - Practice Manager. Pound House Surgery, Woburn Green, Buckinghamshire
"Thank you very much for installing Ardens-QMasters so promptly, all staff doing well with it and finding it an easy to use system so far. You really have hit on a valuable tool for GP's."
Sheila Hankins - Practice Manager. Nene Valley Surgery, Northamptonshire