QToolset Enterprise templates
EMIS Web offers a comprehensive selection of templates but they often ask for a lot of clinical data and it is not always clear how much of this information needs to be recorded. QToolset Enterprise offers clear, concise, and intuitive templates that automatically adapt for individual patients based on the data within their clinical record. It includes templates for long-term conditions, QOF, enhanced services, frailty, and many other clinical areas. The templates will be fully customised to incorporate links to local guidelines, websites, and patient information leaflets.
All of our templates include full clinical guidance with explanations about what is required and how to record relevant data. Many include clinical pathways that enable different types of clinicians (HCAs, nurses, and GPs) to manage a patient's condition at a level appropriate to them, from initial work-up to their annual review.
GPs benefit
CCGs benefit
All of our templates include full clinical guidance with explanations about what is required and how to record relevant data. Many include clinical pathways that enable different types of clinicians (HCAs, nurses, and GPs) to manage a patient's condition at a level appropriate to them, from initial work-up to their annual review.
GPs benefit
- Recording data using well written templates is quick and easy. Important information is recorded and prompts within the template serve as a reminder to ask specific questions.
- Practice staff can be confident when using our templates that they are recording clinical data correctly when undertaking work where payment is linked to specific clinical codes.
- Clinical guidance is offered within our templates and can help clinicians offer high quality clinical care by reminding them of the latest guidelines when they are managing these patients. An example of this is our Prostate template that includes the NICE guidance about when to refer younger patients with a slightly raised PSA.
CCGs benefit
- QToolset Enterprise offers member practices the opportunity to use standardised templates that include local and national referral guidelines and patient information leaflets. The templates are fully integrated into EMIS Web and require no third-party software to use them. They load quickly and clinicians are familiar with how to use them. This is valuable to CCGs as they rely on localised standardised practice by clinicians to implement local contracts.
- QToolset Enterprise templates are designed to be used by clinical teams that includes GPs, nurses, paramedics, and pharmacists. Guidance is easy to follow and supports all members of the clinical team.
- QToolset Enterprise templates offer easy access to local and national patient information leaflets to encourage patients to self-care where this is appropriate.
- Since QMasters is run by clinicians we understand how to write templates and clinical pathways that practice staff will want to use. This is a significant benefit as most organisations that produce clinical content have a limited availability of clinicians to oversee what is being produced and the result is often poorly received by GP practices.