NICE guideline NG28 (Dec 2015) is about the management of type 2 diabetes in adults. It advises that where patients are taking metformin and renal function is impaired there is a risk of causing lactic acidosis.
In adults with type 2 diabetes, review the dose of metformin if the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) is below 45 ml/minute/1.73m2:
- Stop metformin if the eGFR is below 30 ml/minute/1.73m2.
- Prescribe metformin with caution for those at risk of a sudden deterioration in kidney function and those at risk of eGFR falling below 45 ml/minute/1.73m2. [2015]
.More information can be found on the NICE website
QMasters' tools to help GP practices implement this guidance
Please download our free search to identify those patients taking metformin with a eGFR below 30 ml/minute/1.73m2.
You must right-click on this and select "Save As" and import the file into Population Reporting in EMIS Web.
Please download our free search to identify those patients taking metformin with a eGFR below 30 ml/minute/1.73m2.
You must right-click on this and select "Save As" and import the file into Population Reporting in EMIS Web. |
Please note our search relies on accurate clinical coding to identify these patients and we are unable to guarantee that all patients will be correctly identified.
GP practices subscribing to our QToolset will receive an automatic clinical safety pop-up warning when any member of staff attempts to issue a prescription of metformin when the eGFR is below 30ml/minute/1.73m2.
For more information about our QToolset and to learn how it will save GPs time, maximise income, and improve clinical safety please visit